Hillel Cooperman: Legos for grownups | Video on TED.com
So, these are the Dark Ages. And the Dark Ages are the time between when you put away the Lego for the last time as a kid, and you decide as an adult that it is okay to play with a kid's toy. Started out with my then four-year-old. "Oh, should buy the kid some Lego. That stuff's cool." Walked into the Lego store. Bought him this. It's totally appropriate for a four-year-old. (Laughter)
自分が子供のころに最後にレゴで遊んだ日から、自分の子供が生まれ再びその子供といっしょにレゴで遊び始めるまでの空白期間をDark Agesに例えています。
And then I went onto eBay and bought 150 pounds of Lego -- (Laughter) which is insane. My daughter -- the day we got it, I was tucking her in -- and I said, "Honey, you're my treasure."
And she said, "No, the Lego is the treasure." (Laughter) And then she said, "Dad, we're Lego rich." I was like, "Yeah. I suppose we are."
Anyway, I'm out of time. But just very quickly -- we'll just see if I can do this quick. Because there aren't enough TED logos around here.(Laughter) Let's see here. Okay. Ta-da.