Inspire / Courtney Dirks
『12 Ways To Make Talking To Strangers Less Awkward』
12 Ways To Make Talking To Strangers Less Awkward
If you notice yourself getting bored with what you’re saying, stop talking, acknowledge the situation, and move on to the next topic.
普段から豊富なネタを仕込んでおく必要がいるですやね〜。( ̄^ ̄)ゞ私の場合、スポーツネタ弱しです。
『54 Life Lessons 14 Years of World Travel Taught Me』
54 Life Lessons 14 Years of World Travel Taught Me
世界中を旅してこられたCaz Makepeace氏による記事。54個ものtipsを提供してくれています。どのtipsもタンポポの綿毛のように軽やかな英文で書かれています。こんな感じに。
The more we own, the more enslaved we become.
The more you help others, the more you get in return.
Don’t be afraid to speak to strangers, the majority of them are out to help you, not hurt you.
The only place where life exists is NOW.
Go live it.
Don’t wait for tomorrow or until everything is perfect.
It never will be.
『5 Ways To Turn Fear Into Fuel』
» 5 Ways To Turn Fear Into Fuel :zenhabits
Multitasking is out. Turns out this badge of honor from the ’90s is more fiction than fact. Our brains don’t multitask, they just rapidly switch between tasks, sometimes fast enough for us to believe we’re doing many things at once.
またこの本の著者,John Medina氏の上記WebSiteには下のような、脳に関するわかりやすすぎる動画が何個か見れるのでオススメです 。
『Sharpen Your Persuasions skills to Get What You want』
Persuasion Skills: How to Get What You Want