Olympus admits hiding losses since 1990s
Olympus admits hiding losses since 1990s | The Japan Times Online
Olympus press release Oct. 27, the firm paid about ¥66 billion to Axes America, about 35 percent of the costs to acquire Gyrus Group, from June 2006 to March 2010, while royalties for an M&A adviser is usually about 1 percent.
この尋常でないadvisory feeはなんでしょうか。どれだけ必死になって損失を隠そうとしていたのかがよくわかります。思考停止に陥って金額の大小などどうでもよくなっていたのでしょうか?!
次はThe Mainichi Daily Newsより。
Scandal-hit Olympus needs to get to bottom of window-dressing allegations
Scandal-hit Olympus needs to get to bottom of window-dressing allegations - The Mainichi Daily News
If those involved are charged with false entries in reports on securities, as widely anticipated, Olympus' stock could be delisted.
上場廃止 "be delisted" ということになりますね。さらに恐いのがこういった数十年にもわたる隠蔽行為を見抜けなかった日本の関係機関に対する諸外国からの不信の目です。記事はこう締めくくられています。
The Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission and the Tokyo Stock Exchange, among other relevant entities, should strictly deal with the cases in order to restore the international community's confidence in the Japanese business world as a whole.
News Hub Video: Olympus Coverup Scheme - Japan Real Time - WSJ
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次の記事もTHE WALL STREET JOURNALからですが、この記事は次にありますように、
In the meantime, Japan Real Time talked to lawyers to get the nuts and bolts on what might lay ahead for disgruntled Olympus shareholders.
今やその心中穏やかでない "disgruntled" オリンパスの株主に起こりうる事態のイロハ "the nuts and bolts" を
Olympus: Legal Options for Shareholders
Olympus: Legal Options for Shareholders - Japan Real Time - WSJ
What is the time frame?
Patience is a virtue. It usually takes one to two years just for the case to reach the district courthouse. It can be another three to four years before it reaches a settlement.
"Patience is a virtue." か。