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Secrets of the Top 10 Most Powerful Retailers | BNET
Here’s a look at the top 10 retailers and their sales per square foot:
1. Apple: $5,626
2. Tiffany & Co.: $2,974
3. Coach: $1,820
4. Lululemon Athletica: $1,731
5. GameStop: $1,009
6. Costco Wholesale: $998
7. Signet Jewelers: $955
8. Polo Ralph Lauren: $904
9. Whole Foods Market: $867
10. Best Buy: $831
Despite the fact that these companies represent a diverse sampling of industries — from gadgets to gold to golf shirts — almost all of them have woven their success from common threads, which I’ll get to in a moment.
〜almost all of them have woven their success from common threads,〜
という表現がカッチョイーです。共通の糸 “ threads” から各々成功 “ success” を編み込んでいるんだよ “have woven” というわけです。面白い表現やな〜)^o^(
Not all of the same rules apply to every one of these companies, but all of them excel at one thing: creating “gotta have it” retail environments, products, and experiences in one or more of these ways:
creating “gotta have it” retail environments, products, and experiences in one or more of these ways:
お客さんに、それ絶対かわなあかんで “gotta have it” という気にさせるお店の環境、製品、経験作りをするのがうまいんだよということですね。でその方法の1つ目が、
They turn “I want” into “I need“
these companies pull off masterful manipulations of customer psychology.
“pull off” は〜をうまくやるですね。顧客心理を操る名人芸を持っている、ちっと接近しすぎ注意な面々ともいえるわけです。
The product and the store elicit an emotional response, and emotion trumps reason.
to succeed in getting information or a reaction from someone, especially when this is difficult:
製品とお店が一体となってお客さんから情緒的反応 “emotional response” を引き出し、そいで、その emotion
が理性をぐしゃっと踏みつぶして “trump” しまうわけです。人間ロジックだけでは己の物欲には勝てません。(ーー;)
They aren’t afraid of high prices:
high prices are a key part of the formula for nearly all of these companies 〜
Anyone can buy a polo shirt for $20, 〜
one with a horse on it, folded just-so on a fancy table, in a store that smells great? That screams status, and that’s worth $85.
That screams status,
この表現もヴィジュアルで面白いですね。シャツが声高に自分のステータスを叫んでいる “ scream” 姿が浮かびます。
They employ “strategic scarcity
It’s hard-wired from childhood that one of the best ways to make someone want something is to tell him he can’t have it.
“hard-wired” というオシャレな表現が使われています。遺伝子レベルにまでくみこまれた生まれながらの人間の習性を購買意欲をかきたてるために利用しているわけですね。
With some exceptions, they don’t even try to price competitively. What they do is trigger powerful, visceral emotions: They provide the most excitement, desire, pleasure, lust, envy and happiness per square foot.
What they do is trigger powerful, visceral emotions
この表現 “trigger” か入って音的にかっこイイですね。
今度Apple Storeに出かける時はその最もお金を稼ぎ出す舞台装置としての側面をじーっと見てきたいと思います。
BNET 1.1(無料)
カテゴリ: ニュース, ビジネス
現在の価格: 無料(サイズ: 3.9 MB)
販売元: CBS Interactive - CBS Mobile
リリース日: 2011/03/23
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