How The Matrix Will Help Make 2012 Your Best Year Yet
Stepcase Lifehack How The Matrix Will Help Make 2012 Your Best Year Yet
I’m a huge fan, what I love about the movies is that each time I watch them I delve deeper into the philosophy behind the action.
Often people tell me they don’t know what they want from life and therefore don’t know what goals to set. If this is the case let us use The Matrix to give us some ideas where to start.
ふむふむ(;◔ิд◔ิ) ・・・
Steve Jobs Originally Hated The ‘Think Different’ Campaign
Steve Jobs Originally Hated The ‘Think Different’ Campaign « Cult of Mac
Have you ever wondered what it was like behind the scenes of Apple’s famous ‘Think Different’ advertising campaign?
Appleのあの有名な ‘Think Different’ キャンペーンの舞台裏はどんな感じだったのやろうかと、ちと思ったりしたことはありませんか?という記事です。
‘Think Different’ CMはこちら。
Apple伝説のCMに酔う。こんな素敵な英文はシャドーイングにドンピシャ!「Think different」 #eigo - いつもそこに英語がいた (^^♪ inspired by TED
Despite Jobs’ original disapproval, the ad ended up airing. It is still considered to be one of the great advertising campaigns of all time.
What do you and Harry Potter have in common?
What do you and Harry Potter have in common? | Liz Strauss at Successful Blog
Every time you are able to overcome a barrier, you have it now within you to triumph over similar trials that you encounter subsequently.
"barrier" を乗り越えればその経験が自分の中に生き続けていく"have it now within "。そして今度同じような試練が立ちはだかった時にそれを乗り越えていける自分になるわけですね。
ハリーポッターを見てない私はこの記事に出てくる"the Sword of Gryffindor "についてのイメージがつかめずちょっと残念( ̄个 ̄)
Have You Found a Way to Make Small Talk Work for You Yet?
Have You Found a Way to Make Small Talk Work for You Yet? | Liz Strauss at Successful Blog
次もLiz Strauss(@lizstrauss) さんの記事から。
small talkの効用です。
Choose wisely and you’ll find that small talk can open a world of new relationships. Break the ice, invite others in, and sincere small talk can build you a network of amazing people.
自分の周りは知らない人ばかりの間で交わされるsmall talk。あまり得意な人はいないと思いますが、一つの技術として身につけておけば上記英文のようにいい事ばかりなので、ぜひLizさんの記事でその技を盗みましょう。
ちなみにLizさんも以前はsmall talkが大の苦手だったそうです。